Why Have An english Party

23 03 2010

A Party of Common Sense, unbiased and grounded views. Self funded candidates, with the interests of communities at heart.

Why do we need an English Party?

The fact is there is no political party putting the interests of England first. All three major parties are “unionist” in outlook. This means that they see themselves representing the interests of all three nations in the UK, irrespective of whether policies that support Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland disadvantage England. England has over 55 million people, we need our own distinct voice, no unionist party will put England first – we will.

More of the same politicians?

English Democrats are “conviction” politicians, our party has gradually grown in numbers since 2002, to now well over 3,000. All our activists are volunteers, they receive no expenses for their travel, telephone etc, from the English Democrats or the tax payer – unlike those of the Traditional parties who are “experts” in milking the system !!!

Are you against Britain?

“English & Proud” – that’s what English Democrats are – why should it be implied that you are a “Bigot” or a “Racist” simply because you are proud of your Country – we English Democrats are simply pro English. We would like to see a continuation of the Union of Crowns of Great Britain, but with willing participants, and a new post devolutionary agreement. We would govern in the name of England, and would work with political parties in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for the good and stability of the British Isles.
Our vision is for there to be a Parliament for Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England

What are your origins? Are you anything to do with the far right?

The founding members of the English Democrats came together in 2002 when the party was launched at Imperial College London. Many of the founding members we ex-members of the non political grouping “Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP)”. Our party consists of normal patriotic people from all walks of life.

English Democrats have no links with the BNP, informal links with the Scottish National Party (SNP) & Plaid Cymru (PC) exist, however unlike these two parties, English Democrats actively campaign to leave the European Union, however Free Trade with Europe to be maintained by rejoining the EFTA (European Trade Association).

Politically our policies are neither left nor right. We have a commitment to a mixed economy, but also require protection for the vulnerable and would advocate developing public ownership policies for key strategic industries. We are implacably opposed to globalisation, economies based on “cheap labour” and the offshoring of English jobs.

You have England in your title – does this mean you are racist?

English Democrats are proud of who they are – English and Democratic. Comments about being racist are the favourite insults used by Liberal Democrats and New Labour, as their objective is to trade on self hatred and anti Englishness. The English Democrats takes a hard line on anyone suggesting the English Democrats are racist and will seek legal remedy via the 1976 Race Relations Act if appropriate for anyone implying that “Englishness” is racist in any way. The party is open to all races, religions and people irrespective of where they live in the world. English Democrats are guardians of the English way of life and the values and beliefs of England. We do not claim Englishness to be purely ethnic or purely cultural, but it is a complex mix of the two. – England in your heart ! We firmly believe Englishness is a state of mind, and if people are born in England and have an English heritage they are welcome to share our national identity. Newcomers to this country are also welcome, providing they abide by English laws and conventions and seek to identify and give their loyalty to England.

Are you anti European?

There is often confusion in answering this question. We are very interested in having good and productive relationships with all the countries in Europe, but we do not believe in political union, ie. The United States of Europe = EU. We believe that the people of England have been betrayed by British Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives & Unionists alike, with half truths and lies being told which have resulted in our country being stripped of its right to make laws on our own behalf. We reject any attempt to break England into Euro Regions, removing England’s status as a nation and demand a vote on the EU Constitution and call for immediate withdrawal from political union with the EU.

We want to be friends and trading partners with Europe – but we don’t want to be run by Brussels. We would never support joining the Euro and believe laws to penalize people who buy goods in imperial measures are draconian and antidemocratic.

What would we do if we left the EU?

Well, trade would not suffer. All countries of the EU do much better trading with us then we do with them, so nothing will change there. We would develop and capitalise on trading links with the Commonwealth and seek to rejoin EFTA (European Free Trade Agreement) and would seek to re-establish stronger trading links with the English Speaking nations of the world. We would seek a status with the EU like that enjoyed by Switzerland and Norway, which appears to have many of the advantages of EU membership with few of the drawbacks. We would return sovereignty to England and strengthen our relationships with other free thinking nations.

Would our trade suffer?

We do not believe the EU has brought any advantages to English businesses, in fact we believe the contrary to be the case. Onerous and expensive bureaucracies have flourished issuing masses of legislative requirements which make our industries uncompetitive in comparison to the rest of the world. At the same time the EU is admitting vast amounts of trade from low cost countries like China and India, without their need to meet the same stringent standards. The consequence is our manufacturing base and production facilities are closing down and re-locating, where the bureaucracy and costs are so much cheaper. This process will in time be catastrophic for England and many European nations. The EU seems powerless to protect its own vital strategic interests and we have no faith that the people who are running the EU (faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats) have the skills or ability to make a success of the venture. We will always oppose being part of the Eurozone.

What’s your view on fox hunting, abortion and other contentious issues?

The English Democrats have sought to steer away from issues which are largely a matter of conscience. Legislation is not always the answer to everything. Sometimes education and changing social attitudes is a better way to deal with the activities society finds problematic. The English Democrats hold dear original English Liberal values of freedom of choice and freedom from the state on the activities of the individual. Also, legislation can only really be considered if it is likely to be enforceable at a realistic cost. We know some people feel very strongly about animal rights and the right to life for the unborn child as well as matters such as euthanasia and stem cell research are also crowding an area of policy which is controversial and full of lively debate. The party trusts its representatives to make decisions on these matters using their own conscience, guided by our Christian heritage and the need to protect society. It is for this reason that the party has no firm policies on such issues and would leave them as a “free vote” to our representatives.

English democrats - An English Parliament


Medway’s Mobile CCTV – Is it a breech of Your Human Rights?

19 03 2010

Again here we are discussing the most hated and controversial move by Medway Council. The ‘despicable’ Mobile CCTV vehicle that haunts Medway and Targets our drivers.

It makes me sick to the stomach that the Tory led Medway Council have still backed the use of the mobile CCTV here in Medway. Whilst it appears in the newspapers week in week out , some would have thought there would have been a complete revision of the use of this vehicle. Never mind the occupants rude and damn right disrespectful way they speak to the residents. Whilst attending a meeting last night i had been informed that the drivers of the said CCTV car have been rather abusive towards residents who have asked for information regarding ‘what is being filmed’

In one instance a Gillingham resident approached the CCTV and asked why the vehicle had been parked on double yellow line’s. The driver of the vehicle ‘claimed’ that they were in fact filming , the resident then went on to point out that there were actually no vehicles around at the time and questioned the driver yet again. We have been informed by the resident that the driver of the CCTV (and lets not forget a representative of Medway Council) car then told the resident;

it doesn’t matter where we park, its you that we will be looking for and its you that will get a ticket

Lord help me if a representative of Medway council ever spoke to me this way!

Our meeting last night about the vehicle came up with some very interesting points and im more than happy with the response from Medway residents about this matter. Clearly there are rules in place for the use of this kind of service. We are fully aware of the routes which this CCTV car takes and understand that surely there MUST be signs in place making people aware of the fact that CCTV is in operation. We also noted that the CCTV car has in fact been so far as Hoo St’Werburgh  in Rochester, where by the way there are NO signs of the sort informing drivers that this is in operation.

I as the English Democrats Parliamentary Candidate will be fighting the very existence of this ridiculous Mobile CCTV vehicle and intend to fight this until the day it no longer targets the people of Medway.

I have many concerns regarding this Mobile CCTV car and the monies it has generated for Medway Council over the last year.

On information received by Medway council we can confirm that the amount of PCN’s (Penalty charge notice) issued by the CCTV Device Vehicle from the 1st April 2009 to date is a staggering ;


and already since the 1st April 2009 this scandalous CCTV vehicle has generated a ridiculous £413,306.56 in revenue!!!

This figure really over shadows the freeze on charges for parking in Medway which is in place until 2012, a shrewd attempt to make themselves look sympathetic to the car user in Medway whilst hunting them down with the CCTV car.

for your benefit i have listen the location of camera enforcement signs in Medway;

Beechings way                                                             Cuxton Rd

Brompton farm road                                                Danes Hill

Brompton Road/Prince Arthur road               Dock road

Canterbury Street                                                     Esplande

Chatham Hill                                                             Frindsbury Hill

City Way                                                                     Gads Hill

City way, chatham                                                 Gillingham Rd

City way, Delce road                                             Gun Lane

Corporation Street                                                 Hawser Rd

High st Rainham                                                      High Street Rochester

High St strood                                                          Holywood Lane

Ingram Rd                                                                 Cavendish Av

London Rd                                                                Maidstone Rd

Maidstone Rd Borstal                                          Maidstone Rd Chatham

Mooring Rd                                                              New Rd

Pier Rd                                                                      Prince Arthur Road/Brompton Rd

Rainham Road                                                      Sauders St

Soloman Rd                                                            Star Hill

Station Rd Rainham                                            Street End Rd

The Brood                                                              Victoria Street

Watling Street

If you know of any we may have missed please let us know ,as this information is direct from Medway Council. Also if you see the Mobile CCTV car in an area which does not have any signs again please let me know straight away !!

So with all that to take in , maybe now is a good time to ask the Labour MP Paul Clarke and the Tory candidate Reh Chishti what exactly they plan to do for YOU the driver. Mind you be aware, these 2 parties are ‘Whipped’, thus meaning they cannot actually change any policy because they are bound to national policies, you may feel as if you are wasting your time. Guess what, you will be!

This is just one of the things i will be challenging given the opportunity in this years General Election and for a long time afterwards so please get involved and help me get a fair Deal for Drivers !!

English Democrats getting a Fair Deal for Drivers

Fair deal For Drivers

For more information please go to the Association for British drivers Here

NOTE:  A mobile CCTV smart car will cost £1,525 per month on a three year
lease agreement, this cost would be off set against the income generated
from the PCN issue and it is anticipated that in addition to this the Mobile
CCTV unit will also generate surplus income for the Council. Estimated
calculations show this to be approximately £50,000.
4.8 Additional staff members will be required to operate both static and
mobile CCTV units, there will also be a need for an additional admin
resource to process the notices and appeals that would be generated
from this area of enforcement, a total of 2 additional staff members would
be required at a cost of £40,000.

The initial financial outlay would be as follows:
CCTV Units
Lease and running cost of CCTV vehicle
£20,000 (pa)
2 Additional Staff Members
£40,000 (pa)
CCTV Training
Static CCTV unit
unknown at this
Total Cost